I’ve lost count of how many trips I’ve made to supermarkets to stock up on essentials: bananas, mustard, smoked salmon, pickles. My parents are hoarding food in 3 refrigerators – how will they ever downsize to one?
Today’s accomplishments: I managed to pack all the photo albums and ship them to Seattle. Donated a mountain of travelogue photos to the local library. Went with Dad to the bank to rearrange his accounts and ensure a free safety deposit box at any branch for life. Reinstalled his internet service after he accidentally removed it. Talked to 2 real estate agents and showed them the extension cord curtain in the garage. One agent was excellent, sensitive to geriatric issues, and paid attention to detail. The other agent was pathetic. For a total of 4 hours, we all learned about plumbing, floods, termites, and other plagues that will deflate the market price. Then we managed to go to dinner, after the frantic daily hunt for the house keys. Dad was frustrated that he couldn’t find his favorite jacket – and I had a growing dread that I stuffed it in one of the donated sacks of clothing. I was on the verge of confessing when it turned up in the bathroom.
Future options include an estate sale, an auction, a painting party, and/or a landscaping intervention. I had previously promised to drive all the tools (see picture for just a slice of the inventory) up to Seattle in a truck. The latest plan is to rent a van to transport everything not picked over to my friend’s house one hour away and hold a giant garage sale on his front lawn. I’ll have to pretend to be on the road for a few days, no one will be the wiser if you all can keep a secret.
I would like to have the Gerber's baby food jar of used staples if you can manage it. I think they can be straightened and reused. At least it is worth a try . . .
OMG, this looks like my Dad's workshop in the basement of our now demised house. Are you sure we're not related?
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