Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The New Normal

Today marks the 3rd anniversary of when I jumped the corporate employment ship, shifted personal and professional priorities, and altered my lifestyle. I’m in San Diego, which seems fitting, to visit my father. For the first period in 3 years, I’ve got time on my hands. Sid is doing well in assisted living – he enjoys the special attention, the environment is safe, his drugs are taken on schedule. He figured out how to use Alexa to listen to classical music. We even solved the hearing aid issue – he now has custom ear molds (thank you Costco, a caring technician and $80 fixed a very annoying problem). Since walking has declined, we use a travel wheelchair to go out for non-approved meals (lots of salt) and occasionally share a glass of light beer.

And me? I’m working on my tan at the beach. I have a few patient advocacy clients here and there, enough to keep my brain firing. Travel is now for fun, not work. My lodging hosts make me nightly cocktails. I’m happy that my father has a wonderful last chapter. Yesterday I walked into his apartment to find him writing it. He hadn’t touched his keyboard in 2 years other than to try to figure out his taxes. His arthritic fingers type slowly with lots of errors. His language is very practical in his assessment of his current physical condition. Yet Dad’s spirit is intact, and he’s a kinder and gentler person. So am I.