It’s my morning ritual. Stuff hefty bags full of who-knows-what and drive to town to frantically toss junk into a waiting bin. No, I don’t need a receipt. 3 carloads so far and it hasn’t made a dent. Today I spent 4 hours setting up Dad’s new Internet service (found a dial-up provider way cheaper and better than the evil AT&T), new Google email, new Thunderbird software, etc. All this so he can get coupons he can’t use, and pay his utility bill. After I realized the sun was shining and it was gorgeous outside, I escaped to go swimming at the local Y (big outdoor pool, the only good part about Santee CA). I called 2 real estate agents and made appointments for them to come chat – then realized that they would probably scream in horror if they entered my parent’s home without hazmat suits. So I bought a new door mat (remember when selling a home, it’s all about staging) rushed back to hide things in the garage, vacuum, scrub the floor, etc.
In the garage I found:
The Newsweek issue with Tanya Harding’s knee-bashing interview, a complete set of Judy Collins albums (which I played on the 40-year old record player), many broken beach chairs, a dead sparrow, and lots of spider eggs. Yuck. The neighbors have taken pity on me and invited me over for cocktails. I may succumb to their kind offer soon -- today I am much too busy! With all of this activity, I have yet to tackle my macramé plant holder, made in junior high school. It hangs in petrified dusty dignity in the living room. Would anyone like it?
You HAVE to bring the macramé plant holder back to Seattle. It calls to your neighbors. I know it does. Every neighborhood needs a piece of iconic vintage hanging art that can move unseen from home to home under cover of darkness . . .
any Doris Day 45s?
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