Monday, January 11, 2010

Parting Comment

Hanging out in the garden with a nice lady who moved here 2 years ago from Minnesota. She tells me "I want some bacon! I'm sick of eating nothing but kosher!"

In two hours I will be drinking a large margarita at the Old Town Mexican Cafe. Bye for now . . .


Ann said...

What an observational journey! And my sense is that it has just begun. We will all anxiously await the RETURN HOME -- and subsequent HERE IS WHAT THE PARENTS HAD TO SAY. Thanks for sharing your process (smile).

Unknown said...

Having grown up with Karen, all I can say is, it's gotta be true! And I love them all. More posts please!

Leigh Weber said...

I do love your observational sense of humor.
How is it that you avoided the hoarder gene?