Why is there a small rubber chicken in the drawer of the front lobby desk? Some questions are best left unanswered.
We missed Paddy the Mini-Horse due to a late breakfast, but we did catch a live jazz trio on the patio. Quote of the day from Harry, a self-proclaimed "former class clown": "If you run out of money here they won't throw you out - they go after the kids. And when the kids are broke, there's a fund to pay for your care." Gee, now I feel better!
This place may keep the oldsters alive but it completely drained my phone (bad cell coverage). I escaped to Verizon and discovered the many surfer beaches 1 mile away. Upon returning, I found it was Dad's turn to be flaky. He brought lots of emergency snacks but no underwear. Off I go in search of a shopping mall. On my way out of the building I stumbled into a rousing karaoke class with a dozen people howling Frank Sinatra classics (unlike Seattle's senior karaoke, there were no bingo games in-between songs). I was invited to join but declined (for now).
Most residents are fairly active and seem content; they look after one another. The group consists of retired teachers, doctors, musicians, college professors, housewives -- people who were committed to community service one way or another. It is not a depressed atmosphere at all -- until the brownies run out, and then it's kind of scary.
My neighbor Marion has suggested a great way to customize Mom's walker: drape it with all those defunct extension cords Dad has hanging in his garage. Currently serving as a window covering (see picture), the cords can be recycled yet one more time!
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