• Packing 7 elderly folks into a rental van (10 minutes), getting all their seat belts fastened (20 minutes), driving through rush hour traffic with everyone offering advice (45 minutes), having a meal at Akin’s Deli for Sid’s 92nd birthday (20 minutes, the same amount of time as the seatbelts).
• Seeing Dad’s expression when he was served surprise cake with a pickle-man cartoon painted on top.
• Having special friends, including Cindy and Marc, share in the celebration.
• Thinking back to a year ago: Sid was in the hospital, grieving over my mother, very sick and unsure of his future. We’re all in a much better place now.
• Holding my “Thriller Orientation class” for a few spirited ladies who want to dance like zombies next month. Attendance was low due to competition from another event, a tea party. I came back the next day to promote it at the weekly belly dancing class, taught by the retirement community’s VP of Operations. It takes a village.
The morning after the big dinner, we visited Dad’s geriatrician for a checkup. I figured with the pickle binging, Sid’s blood pressure would be high and farts would be bountiful. Amazingly, the tests were fine. For our family conference, we discussed pastry nuances and shared deli leftovers. The doctor then showed me the results of an echogram, done to analyze Sid’s level of cardiac stress. He took me aside, pointing to one indicator that was high. “That’s his broken heart” the doctor said. “He misses your mom. You’ve done a great job keeping him healthy and safe. Now you have another assignment. Teach your father how to focus on laughter, and continue to have fun together.” I was stunned by his sensitivity and wisdom. And I will absolutely follow doctor’s orders.